2025年3月15日 星期六
论文题目: Free amino acids, carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions responses to cadmium stress in two castor (Ricinus communis L.) species
第一作者: Zhu Guangxu, Cheng Dandan, Wang Xingfeng, Guo QingJun etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Cadmium (Cd) toxicity induce various disturbances in metabolic processes and impair plant establishment. The composition of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (813C and 815N) and free amino acids (FAAs) can reflect the response of plants to environmental stress. In the present study, a solution culture experiment was carried out, and the secretion characteristics of FAAs as well as 813C and 815N were evaluated as indicative of the functional performance of two castor species (Zibo-3 and Zibo-9) under various Cd concentrations stress (0, 1, 2, and 5 mg L-1). The results indicated that: 1) The treatment of the plants with 5 mg L-1 of a Cd solution resulted in a significant decline of biomasses by 22.4% and 11.6% in Zibo-3 and Zibo-9, respectively, relative to controls; additionally, the accumulation levels for Cd in Zibo-9 were higher than those in Zibo-3, thus Zibo-9 showed higher tolerance and enrichment ability to Cd. 2) The exposure of castor to Cd treatments results in significant modifications in individual FAAs, suggesting a differential sensitivity of each biosynthetic pathway to this stress; however, a positive correlation was found between the accumulation of total FAAs and Cd treatment dosages; higher proportion of asparagine and glutamate in total amino acids for Zibo-9, and abundant secretion of arginine in Cd treated Zibo-9 may be associated with the higher Cd-tolerance and Cd-accumulation in Zibo-9. 3) Cd stress increased leaf 813C and 815N values regardless of the castor species; 813C and 815N could be used as monitoring tools for heavy metal stress in plants.
论文类别: SCI