2025年3月15日 星期六
论文题目: An Understanding of Education in Supporting Cotton Production: An Empirical Study in Benin, West Africa
第一作者: Jacquet Iskid, Wang Jieyong, Zhang Jianjun, Wang Ke etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Benin is an underdeveloped country whose economy is dependent on agriculture, principally cotton production. Kandi is a community in the country's northeast region, and is regarded as one of Benin's top four cotton-producing communities. This community has a deficient level of education. The present paper aimed to investigate whether education could contribute to increasing cotton production in Kandi. A questionnaire was distributed to educated, uneducated, and organic farmers in the research area to achieve this goal. A linear regression strategy was applied, with the key components of the research areas being the usage of agricultural chemical inputs (pesticides and fertilizers), miscellaneous factors, and the level of education of farmers. The data collected were utilized to compare the different groups polled (educated and uneducated farmers). Organic farmers are used in this paper as a model of suitable agriculture development in the study area. The key finding is that primary education affects agricultural production. Solutions are presented with a focus on organic farmers.
论文类别: SCI