2025年3月15日 星期六
论文题目: Suitable Habitat Dynamics of Wintering Geese in a Large Floodplain Wetland: Insights from Flood Duration
第一作者: Teng Jiakun, Yu Xiubo, Xia Shaoxia, Liu Yu
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: The relationship between hydrological variation and the habitat use of waterbirds in wetland complexes is a significant field of ecological research. Quantification of the relationships between wetland hydrological attributes and waterbirds distribution is critical for the success of waterbird conservation. In this study, flood duration (FD) derived from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery was combined with geese GPS tracking data to quantify the optimal FD thresholds for identifying geese habitats. Based on the thresholds, we defined the suitable habitats of wintering geese and investigated the difference in the spatial distribution pattern of habitat from 2018 to 2020 in Poyang Lake, China. We also considered the role of sub-lakes in habitat protection. The results showed that the area of suitable habitats for wintering geese decreased in both dry and wet years, and the range of optimal FD threshold was wider in normal years than in both dry and wet years. The proportion of suitable habitats per unit area was greater in the sub-lakes than in the whole Poyang Lake. We concluded that FD indices extracted from SAR data are valuable for reflecting the influence of the pattern of hydrological variation on waterbird distribution and for the protection and rational use of wetland ecosystems.
论文类别: SCI