2025年3月15日 星期六
论文题目: Change of Rice Paddy and Its Impact on Human Well-Being from the Perspective of Land Surface Temperature in the Northeastern Sanjiang Plain of China
第一作者: Pan Tao, Bao Zhengyi, Ning Letian, Tong Siqin
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Large-scale and high-speed paddy land expansion has appeared in Northeast China since the 21st century, causing the change in land surface temperature. The lack of continuous investigation limits the exploration of discoveries in this region. To address this limitation, a collaborative approach that combined human-computer interaction technology, gravity center model and spatial analysis was established. It provided some new findings in spatiotemporal evolution, migration trajectory and surface cooling effect of the paddy field in Northeastern Sanjiang Plain, a center of paddy field planting in China. The results show that: (1) A sustained paddy expansion was monitored, with a total area ranging from 2564.58 km(2) to 11430.94 km(2), along with a rate of growth of 345.72% from 2000 to 2020. Correspondingly, its reclamation rate changed to 47.53% from 10.66%, showing the improved planting level of the paddy field. (2) Gravity center of paddy field continued to be revealed northward with a 5-year interval from 2000 to 2020. Migration distance of the straight line reached 23.94 km(2), with the direction offset of 27.20 degrees from east to north. (3) Throughout the growing season of crops, the land surface temperature of paddy field was 27.73 degrees, 29.38 degrees, 27.01 degrees, 25.62 degrees and 22.97 degrees from May to October; and the cooling temperature effect of paddy field was investigated, with the reduced values of 0.61 degrees, 0.79 degrees and 1.10 degrees in the low-, medium- and high-paddy field density regions from 2000 to 2020, respectively. Overall, these new findings in the cold temperate zone, high latitude region of the Northern Hemisphere, provided the reference for the investigation of paddy field monitoring and its environmental effects in China and other regions.
论文类别: SCI