2025年3月15日 星期六
论文题目: Divergent effects of climate change on cropland ecosystem water use efficiency at different elevations in southwestern China
第一作者: TAO Jian, ZHU Juntao, ZHANG Yangjian, DONG Jinwei etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Understanding climatic effects on cropland water use efficiency at different elevations is imperative for managing agricultural water and production in response to ongoing climate change in climate-sensitive areas with complex topography, such as southwestern China. We investigated climatic effects on cropland water use efficiency in southwestern China at each 100-m elevation bin during 2001-2017. The maximum water use efficiency was 1.71 gC kg(-1) H2O for the 1900-1999 m elevation bin under the growing season temperature and precipitation of 14.58 +/- 0.32 degrees C and 965.40 +/- 136.45 mm, respectively. The water use efficiency slopes were dominated by the evapotranspiration slopes at elevations below 1999 m but were controlled by the gross primary productivity slopes at elevations above 2000 m. This difference was caused by the substantial responses of evaporation to climate change at lower elevations and the increased climatic sensitivity of gross primary productivity at higher elevations. In comparison to those at other elevations, croplands at lower elevations were more vulnerable to extreme drought because of the dominant role fluctuating evapotranspiration played in water use efficiency. The findings will improve cropland water management in the study area.
论文类别: SCI