2025年3月15日 星期六
论文题目: An integrated assessment of tropical cyclone risks in mainland China by considering hazard, exposure, vulnerability and mitigation
第一作者: Yang Zhenhua, Zhao Tony, Tian Yu, Zhang Yongyong etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Tropical cyclones (TCs) cause devastating losses of lives and properties every year across the globe. This paper makes use of detailed geographic data on historical TCs and socio-economic conditions for both coastal and inland regions to assess the TC risk in China. Specifically, the mitigation capacity is integrated into the 'Hazard-Exposure-Vulnerability' (HEV) framework, and the TC risks are calculated by using the multiplicative/divisive and additive/subtractive formulae based on indicators of hazards, exposure, vulnerability and mitigation. The estimated TC risks are furthermore validated by using the data of direct economic losses and casualties. The results show that coastal areas in China are generally dominated by high TC risks and that inland areas also suffer considerably due to TC-induced secondary disasters. The TC risks calculated by the additive/subtractive formula can better capture the density of direct economic losses and casualties compared with those calculated by the multiplicative/divisive formula. TC hazard plays an important role in determining TC risks in South China, whereas exposure and mitigation play a critical part in determining TC risks in North China. Overall, the consideration of mitigation capacity makes the calculated TC risks more consistent with the magnitude of direct economic losses and casualties.
论文类别: SCI