2025年3月18日 星期二
论文题目: Contrasting adaptation and optimization of stomatal traits across communities at continental scale
第一作者: Liu Congcong, Sack Lawren, Li Ying, He Nianpeng
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Shifts in stomatal trait distributions across contrasting environments and their linkage with ecosystem productivity at large spatial scales have been unclear. Here, we measured the maximum stomatal conductance (g), stomatal area fraction (f), and stomatal space-use efficiency (e, the ratio of g to f) of 800 plant species ranging from tropical to cold-temperate forests, and determined their values for community-weighted mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis. We found that the community-weighted means of g and f were higher in drier sites, and thus, that drought 'avoidance' by water availability-driven growth pulses was the dominant mode of adaptation for communities at sites with low water availability. Additionally, the variance of g and f was also higher at arid sites, indicating greater functional niche differentiation, whereas that for e was lower, indicating the convergence in efficiency. When all other stomatal trait distributions were held constant, increasing kurtosis or decreasing skewness of g would improve ecosystem productivity, whereas f showed the opposite patterns, suggesting that the distributions of inter-related traits can play contrasting roles in regulating ecosystem productivity. These findings demonstrate the climatic trends of stomatal trait distributions and their significance in the prediction of ecosystem productivity. For 800 species at nine forest sites across China, stomatal trait distributions explained two-thirds of the variation in ecosystem productivity, and water availability-driven growth pulses was the dominant adaptation to drought.
论文类别: SCI