2025年3月17日 星期一
论文题目: Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity Monitoring of Cropland Evolution and Its Impact on Grain Production Changes in the Southern Sanjiang Plain of Northeast China
第一作者: Pan Tao, Zhang Ru
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: High-speed cropland changes are taking place in Northeast China, bringing about the sustainable changes in ecological landscape and food production; however, the lack of continuous research limits the revelation of new findings in this region. The integrated approach of land migration tracking, ecological landscape and mathematical statistics was established to conduct a comprehensive survey of land change-landscape-food security in a typical grain-planting region of Northeast China to reveal new changes from 1990 to 2020. Results display that the cropland area continued to increase from 25,885.16 km(2) in 1990 to 31,144.46 km(2) in 2020, leading to the loss of forest land, grassland, water body and unused land. For cropland structure, the proportion of paddy fields in cropland increased rapidly from 7.18 to 39.53% during 1990-2020; in contrast, upland crops decreased sharply. The richness of landscape presented gradually complex characteristics with SHDI from 0.258 to 0.671 and other ecological indicators underwent similar changes with strong regularity. Total grain production displayed a continuous increase, with values from 523.79 x 10(4) t to 1839.12 x 10(4) t, increasing by 2.51 times from 1990 to 2020. We also revealed the contribution rate of unchanged upland crops to grain increments was the largest (i.e., 46.29%), and the conversion of internal cropland structure (i.e., the paddy fields converted from upland crops) contributed 12.17% from 1990 to 2020, showing a positive signal for food security. These new findings provide studies on land use change, ecological landscape and food security in China and abroad.
刊物名称: LAND
论文类别: SCI