2025年3月17日 星期一
论文题目: A Review of the Progress in Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Monitoring
第一作者: Jiao Wenjun, Yang Xiao, Min Qingwen
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: In order to protect traditional agricultural systems of global importance, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched an initiative for the conservation of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in 2002. After nearly two decades of development, the number of GIAHS has increased from the initial 5 in 2005 to the current 65 in 22 countries around the world. Despite the remarkable increase in the number of GIAHS, many countries are now facing the difficult task of dynamic conservation and adaptive management of GIAHS. As an important element of heritage management, monitoring plays an important role in improving the level of heritage management. Scientific and effective monitoring can not only achieve the conservation of the heritage itself and the maintenance of its value, but also the sustainable development of the heritage site. However, FAO did not put forward mandatory requirements for GIAHS monitoring, nor did it issue any guiding document on GIAHS monitoring, but left it to various countries to explore their own GIAHS monitoring. In this context, the paper systematically sorts out the theoretical research and practical exploration of GIAHS monitoring conducted by different countries and research institutions, comparing and analyzing the differences between the theoretical design of monitoring GIAHS themselves and that of GIAHS action plan monitoring, as well as the differences in practical exploration of GIAHS monitoring among China, South Korea, Japan and Portugal. This paper argues that countries and research institutions face common problems in the research and application of GIAHS monitoring, which are: (1) low enthusiasm of heritage sites about participation; (2) lack of legal and financial support; and (3) lack of technical support and guidance. To further promote GIAHS monitoring globally and better promote dynamic conservation and adaptive management of GIAHS, this paper proposes that FAO should cooperate with various countries to establish a unified, scientific and efficient GIAHS monitoring system, including: (1) clarifying monitoring requirements and formulating monitoring guidelines; (2) improving the management system and establishing incentive mechanisms; (3) promoting multi-stakeholder participation and strengthening technical training.
论文类别: SCI