2025年3月17日 星期一
论文题目: Joint control of alpine meadow productivity by plant phenology and photosynthetic capacity
第一作者: Zhang Tao, Tang Yuanyuan, Xu Mingjie, Zhao Guang etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Under global climate change, climate warming and changing precipitation patterns would greatly affect plant phenology and photosynthetic capacity and hence affect the gross primary productivity (GPP) of the sensitive alpine meadow. To deeply understand the variations in GPP, it is important to clarify the joint effects of plant phenology and photosynthetic capacity. In this study, 10-year continuous flux and microclimatic data and in situ phenology period observation data were used to explore the roles of growing season length (GSL) and the seasonal maximal capacity of carbon uptake (GPP(max)) on annual cumulative gross primary productivity (GPP(ann)). The results indicated that the temperature and water conditions, especially water conditions, dominated GSL and GPP(max) and hence determined GPP(ann). Both GSL and GPP(max )were dominated by annual precipitation, and the soil water content in August also showed a strong influence over them. GSL and GPP(max) together could explain 87% of the variation in GPP(ann). Compared with GSL, GPP(max) had stronger effects on the interannual variability (IAV) in GPP(ann). This study provides a new perspective on clarifying the proximate causes of IAV in GPP(ann). The IAV in GPP(ann) of alpine ecosystems could be determined by these two key underlying processes, the length of the carbon uptake period and amplitude. These results are of critical importance for improving our ability to predict future changes in alpine meadow ecosystems.
论文类别: SCI