2025年3月22日 星期六
论文题目: Seasonal differences in the dominant factors of surface urban heat islands along the urban-rural gradient
第一作者: Xin Jiaxing, Yang Jun, Wang Ling-en, Jin Cui etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Urbanization has been accelerating; hence the effect of urban heat island (UHI) has increased. There has been extensive research on spatiotemporal UHI changes and drivers, however, data on the dominant seasonal factors of UHIs and the differences along urban-rural gradients remain limited. Based on Luojia-1A, Landsat 8, and moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, we assessed the seasonal differences in surface UHI (SUHI), normalized differences in vegetation index (NDVI), built-up index (NDBI), and water index (NDWI) and their relationships in the Dalian City, Northeast China. We found that in the urban built-up area, the mean SUHI intensity (SUHII) decreased from that in summer (2.74?) > autumn (1.65?) > winter (0.28?) > spring (-0.79?). SUHII was more strongly affected by NDWI and NDBI than NDVI, and NDBI and NDWI showed positive and negative correlations with SUHII in different seasons, while NDVI and SUHII were positively correlated in spring and negatively correlated in the other seasons. When analyzing the dominant factors of SUHII, the importance results showed that, in spring, NDBI > NDVI > NDWI, in autumn, NDVI > NDWI > NDBI, in summer and winter, NDWI > NDVI > NDBI. In addition, SUHII changed the most in summer along the urban-rural gradient, decreasing from 2.74? to -2.74?. Among these indicators, except for spring NDVI which increased from 0.09 to 0.59 with distance from built-up areas, there was minimal change in NDVI, NDBI, and NDWI along the urban-rural gradient in other seasons (i.e., all were within 0.2). In this study, the difference analysis of SUHI and remote sensing indices along the urban-rural gradient can help to facilitate the rational layout of cities.
论文类别: SCI