论文题目: Giving Voice to Tourists: Improving the Governance of Protected Areas through Tourists' Perceptions and Expectations
第一作者: Wang Bojie, He Siyuan, Sun Yehong, Min Qingwen
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Although numerous studies have explored the role of government, conservation managers and local residents in the governance of protected areas, little attention has been paid to the role of tourists. Based on a field survey and a network-based content analysis of tourists' perceptions and expectations of Wuyishan National Park, this research sought to promote the governance of national parks by strengthening the tourists' influence. The results showed that: (1) tourists had a changing, but still narrow understanding of the national park's functions, (2) tourists' expectations of tourism and recreational functions are growing more diversified, and (3) lack of information restrained them from making an effective contribution to conservation. The results suggest that tourists can be effective in conservation governance with the aid of better publicity and closer interactions with other stakeholders. This study has theoretical and managerial implications for understanding the role of tourists in the governance of national parks.
论文类别: SCI