论文题目: Assessment of cobalt recycling potential and environmental impact in China from 1994 to 2020
第一作者: Ma Qiaoying, Chen Lilong, Li Xin, Wang Minxi etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Cobalt recycling is important for solving environmental problems such as resource shortage and pollution emissions. This paper quantifies the positive significance of cobalt recycling on resource replenishment and pollution emission by using the substance flow analysis and life cycle analysis. The results show that the proportion of recycled cobalt supplied as cobalt raw material is 7.1%, which improves the supply structure of the resource. Meanwhile, the environmental impact of recycling cobalt using the combined treatment process is low. The environmental impact of mining cobalt from mines is about 4.03-41.53 times that of recycling cobalt from cobaltiferous waste materials. However, the overall cobalt recycling is not ideal. First, the cobalt recycling rate is growing slowly. From 1994 to 2020, 245,132 t of cobalt-containing final products entered waste management in China. However, only 79,593 t of cobalt have been recycled, with a recycling rate of 32.47%. Secondly, many recycling enterprises only carry out recycling for a certain type of cobaltiferous waste materials due to the non-uniform cobalt recycling process. Finally, China's cobalt recycling policy does not divide the recycling channels for cobalt waste and does not regulate the specific process. In the future, China should set up separate recycling systems for cobaltiferous waste materials according to different categories and consider adopting combined treatment processes. China can only promote the sustainable use of cobalt if it ensures stable and orderly cobalt recycling in terms of policy and technology.
论文类别: SCI