论文题目: Detecting Multilevel Poverty-Causing Factors of Farmer Households in Fugong County: A Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Regressive Model
第一作者: Jiang Yuewen, Wang Yanhui, Qi Wenping, Cai Benhe etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Accurate examination of poverty-causing factors and their mechanisms of poverty-stricken farmer households from a fine scale is conducive to policy implementation and long-term effective poverty reduction. The spatial effects in most previous studies are not fully considered, resulting in less reliability of detection results. Therefore, by fully considering background effects and spatial-temporal effects, this study designs a hierarchical spatial-temporal regressive model (HSTRM) to accurately identify the factors as well as mechanisms that cause poverty more reasonably. The empirical study of Fugong County, Yunnan Province, China, shows that: (1) There has been a certain degree of spatial effects in the study area over the years; therefore, spatial effects should be considered. (2) The poverty degree of farmer households in the study area is affected by individual factors and background factors. Therefore, poverty-causing factors should be observed at different levels. (3) Poverty-causing factors feature different action mechanisms. The influence of the village-level factors on poverty is greater than that of the household level. In addition, the village-level factors have a certain impact on the contribution of household-level factors to poverty. This study offers technical support and policy guidance for sustainable poverty reduction and development of poor farmer households.
论文类别: SCI