2025年3月14日 星期五
论文题目: Climate Controls on the Spatial Variability of Vegetation Greenup Rate across Ecosystems in Northern Hemisphere
第一作者: Zheng Zhoutao
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Variations in individual phenological events in response to global change have received considerable attentions. However, the development of phenological stages is relatively neglected, especially based on in situ observation data. In this study, the rate of vegetation greenup (Vgreenup) across the Northern Hemisphere was examined for different plant functional types (PFTs) by using eddy covariance flux data from 40 sites (417 site-years). Then, the controls of climatic variables on the spatial distribution of Vgreenup across PFTs were further investigated. The mean Vgreenup was 0.22 +/- 0.11 g C m(-2) day(-2) across all sites, with the largest and lowest values observed in cropland and evergreen needle-leaf forest, respectively. A strong latitude dependence by Vgreenup was observed in both Europe and North America. The spatial variations of Vgreenup were jointly regulated by the duration of greenup (Dgreenup) and the amplitude of greenup (Agreenup). However, the predominant factor was Dgreenup in Europe, which changed to Agreenup in North America. Spring climatic factors exerted significant influences on the spatial distribution of Vgreenup across PFTs. Specifically, increasing temperature tended to shorten Dgreenup and promote Agreenup simultaneously, resulting in an acceleration of Vgreenup. Dryness had a depression effect on Vgreenup for the whole study area, as exhibited by a lower Vgreenup with increasing vapor pressure deficit or decreasing soil moisture. However, Vgreenup in North America was only significantly and positively correlated with temperature. Without the limitation of other climatic factors, the temperature sensitivity of Vgreenup was higher in North America (0.021 g C m(-2) day(-2) degrees C-1) than in Europe (0.015 g C m(-2 )day(-2) degrees C-1). This study provides new cognitions for Vgreenup dynamics from in situ observations in complement to satellite observations, which can improve our understanding of terrestrial carbon cycles.
论文类别: SCI