致力于化学物质,特别是与人体健康密切相关的生命元素和污染物的多介质环境化学行为、健康效应与调控机制研究,注重开展化学因素与物理、生物和人为因素的综合分析以及区域模拟研究,在环境健康促进和环境污染防治领域取得了一系列原创性成果。代表性学术成果包括:(1)持续开展老龄健康的自然地理与社会人文环境影响因素的实证研究,阐述了区域人口健康长寿的地理环境机制,建立了中国百岁老人头发、指甲中微量元素含量参考值,合作构建了具有国际通用性的区域人口长寿指数,获联合国老龄所(International Institute on Ageing, United Nations)采纳和应用;(2)拓展硒、氟等微量生命元素的基础理论与实用技术研究,阐明了影响水土环境中硒、氟总量与有效态含量分布的气候―地质―土壤―地形关键驱动因素与作用机制,建立了提高稻米硒生物可给性和降低砖茶氟生物可给性的调控方法,为深入理解硒、氟的表生环境行为以及富硒、低氟农产品的安全生产提供了新思路;(3)面向粮食安全国家重大需求,针对农用地土壤重金属污染精细化管控的技术难点,分别以青藏高原高寒土壤-青稞、黄三角滨海平原盐碱地-牧草、南方低山丘陵地区酸性土壤-水稻等典型农田生态系统为研究对象,构建了多尺度农用地镉、铅等典型重金属污染过程解析方法体系,阐明了根际土壤重金属活化释放机制和作物耐受机制,研发了基于重金属毒性响应的生物标识物以及铅、镉复合污染土壤风险削解与肥力提升协同修复技术,为农用地重金属风险识别、风险预警与风险管控提供了理论依据与技术支撑。
代表性学术论文(*为通讯作者) :
1. Yi Yang, Ru Zhang, Yangzong Deji, Yonghua Li*. Mapping and prediction of fluoride in natural water over the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 465:133510.
2. Yan Guo, Yi Yang, Ruxia Li, Xiaoyong Liao, Yonghua Li*. Cadmium accumulation in tropical island paddy soils: From environment and health risk assessment to model prediction. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 465:133212.
3. Mengge Zhou, Yonghua Li*. Spatial distribution and source identification of potentially toxic elements in Yellow River Delta soils, China: An interpretable machine-learning approach. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 912: 169092.
4. Mengge Zhou, Yonghua Li*. Spatial patterns and mechanism of the impact of soil salinity on potentially toxic elements in coastal areas. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 951: 175802.
5. Mengge Zhou, Yonghua Li*. Digital mapping and scenario prediction of soil salinity in coastal lands based on multi-source data combined with machine learning algorithms. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16, 2681.
6. Yan Guo, Yi Yang, Yonghua Li*. Comprehensive perspective on contamination identification, source apportionment, and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in paddy soils of a tropical island. Agronomy, 2024, 14, 1777.
7. Ruxia Li, Ru Zhang, Yi Yang, Yonghua Li*. Accumulation characteristics, driving factors, and model prediction of cadmium in soil-highland barley system on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 453:131407.
8. Yi Yang, Ru Zhang, Fengying Zhang, Yonghua Li*. Spatial-temporal variation and health risk assessment of fluoride in surface water in the Tibetan Plateau. Exposure and Health, 2023, 15:281-297.
9. Ru Zhang, Yi Yang*, Deji Yangzong, Hairong Li, Yonghua Li*, Cangjue Nima, Shengcheng Zhao, Hongqiang Gong. Factors influencing the spatial distribution and individual variation in urinary fluoride levels in Tibet, China. Chemosphere, 2023, 326:138493.
10. Yan Guo, Yi Yang, Ruxia Li, Xiaoyong Li, Yonghua Li*. Distribution of cadmium and lead in soil-rice systems and their environmental driving factors at the island scale. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023, 265:115530.
11. Yuefeng Xu, Rutian Bi, Yonghua Li*. Effects of anthropogenic and natural environmental factors on the spatial distribution of trace elements in agricultural soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023, 249:114436.
12. Zhe Hao, Chuchu Zhang, Bo Lin, Zhuo Chen, Yonghua Li*, Xinqing Zou, et al. Environmental effects on trace elements in the fingernails of centenarians and their offspring. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 842:156786.
13. Ru Zhang, Yi Yang, Min Meng, Yonghua Li*. Effect of dietary supplements on Se bioavailability: A comprehensive in vitro and in vivo study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 231:113193.
14. Qucheng Deng, Yongping Wei, Wenyu Huang, Yonghua Li*, Chong Peng, Yinjun Zhao, et al. Sedimentary evolution of PAHs, POPs and ECs: Historical sedimentary deposition and evolution of emerging and persistent organic pollutants in surface and core sediments in a typical karstic river basin. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 773:144765.
15. Yuefeng Xu, Zhe Hao, Yonghua Li*, Hairong Li, Li Wang, Zhenfeng Zang, et al. Distribution of selenium and zinc in soil-crop system and their relationship with environmental factors. Chemosphere, 2020, 242,125289.
16. Ru Zhang, Li Wang, Yonghua Li*, Hairong Li, Yuefeng Xu. Distribution characteristics of rare earth elements and selenium in hair of centenarians living in China longevity region. Biological Trace Element Research, 2020, 197:15–24.
17. Zhe Hao, Lihong Chen, Yonghua Li*, Xinqing Zou, Hairong Li, Ziyue Feng, et al. Characteristics of centenarians’ lifestyles and their contribution to life satisfaction: a case study conducted on Hainan Island. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2019, 83:20-27.
18. Yuefeng Xu, Yonghua Li*, Hairong Li, Li Wang, Xiaoyong Liao, Jing Wang, et al. Effects of topography and soil properties on soil selenium distribution and bioavailability (phosphate extraction): A case study in Yongjia County, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 633:240-248.
19. Ruiya Xing, Yonghua Li*, Biao Zhang, Hairong Li, Xiaoyong Liao. Indicative and complementary effects of human biological indicators for heavy metal exposure assessment.Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2017, 39:1031-1043.
20. Wenjin Song, Yonghua Li*, Zhe Hao, Hairong Li. Public health in China: an environmental and socio-economic perspective. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 129:9-17.
21. Zhe Hao, Yuan Liu, Yonghua Li*, Wenjin Song, Jiangping Yu, Hairong Li, et al. Association between longevity and element levels in food and drinking water of typical Chinese longevity area. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, 2016, 20:897-903.
22.Zhe Hao, Yonghua Li*, Yuan Liu, Hairong Li, Wuyi Wang, Jiangping Yu. Hair elements and healthy aging: a cross-sectional study in Hainan Island, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2016, 38:723–735.
23. Li Wang, Yonghua Li*, Hairong Li, Jennifer Holdaway, Zhe Hao, Wuyi Wang, et al. Regional aging and longevity characteristics in China. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2016, 67:153–159.
24. Zhe Hao, Yonghua Li*, Hairong Li, Binggan Wei, Xiaoyong Liao, Tao Liang, et al. Levels of rare earth elements, heavy metals and uranium in a population living in Baiyun Obo, Inner Mongolia, China: a pilot study. Chemosphere, 2015, 128:161-170.
25. Li Wang, BingganWei, Yonghua Li*, Hairong Li, Fengying Zhang, Mark Rosenberg, et al. A study of air pollutants influencing life expectancy and longevity from spatial perspective in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 487:57-64.
26. Yonghua Li*, Li Wang, Linsheng Yang, Hairong Li. Dynamics of rhizosphere properties and antioxidative responses in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under cadmium stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2014, 102:55-61.
27. Binggan Wei, Yonghua Li*, Hairong Li, Jiangping Yu, Bixiong Ye, Linsheng Yang, et al. Rare earth elements in human hair from a mining area of China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2013, 96:118-123.
28. Yonghua Li*, Hongfei Sun, Hairong Li, Linsheng Yang, Bixiong Ye, Wuyi Wang. Dynamic changes of rhizosphere properties and antioxidant enzyme responses of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in mercury-contaminated soils. Chemosphere, 2013, 93:972-977.
29. Yonghua Li*. Environmental contamination and risk assessment of mercury from a historic mercury mine located in southwestern China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2013, 35:27-36.
30. Yuan Liu, Yonghua Li*, Yu Jiang, Hairong Li, Wuyi Wang, Linsheng Yang. Effects of soil trace elements on longevity population in China. Biological Trace Element Research, 2013, 153:119-126.
31. Yonghua Li*, Biao Zhang, Hairong Li, Linsheng Yang, Bixiong Ye, Wuyi Wang, et al. Biomarkers of lead exposure among a population under environmental stress. Biological Trace Element Research, 2013, 153:50-57.
32. Yonghua Li*, Biao Zhang, Linsheng Yang, Hairong Li. Blood mercury concentration among residents of a historic mercury mine and possible effects on renal function: a cross-sectional study in southwestern China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185:3049-3055.
33. Yonghua Li*, Xiaoyan Zou, Jinmei Lv, Linsheng Yang, Hairong Li, Wuyi Wang. Trace elements in fingernails of healthy Chinese centenarians. Biological Trace Element Research, 2012, 145: 158-165.
34. Linsheng Yang, Xiuwu Zhang, Yonghua Li*, Hairong Li, Yi Wang, Wuyi Wang. Bioaccessibility and risk assessment of cadmium from uncooked rice using an in vitro digestion model. Biological Trace Element Research, 2012, 145: 81-86.
35. Yonghua Li*, Linsheng Yang, Wuyi Wang, Hairong Li, Jinmei Lv, Xiaoyan Zou. Trace element concentrations in hair of healthy Chinese centenarians. Science of the Total Environment, 2011, 409: 1385-1390.
36. Yonghua Li*, Xiaoyan Zou, Wuyi Wang. Relationship between the longevous population and trace element in the soils of Xiayi County, China. Mineralogical Magazine, 2011, 75:1321.
37. Hongfei Sun, Yonghua Li*, Yanfang Ji, Linsheng Yang, Wuyi Wang, Hairong Li. Environmental contamination and health hazard of lead/cadmium around the Chatain mercury mining area, western Hunan province, China. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20: 308-314.
38. Yonghua Li*, Linsheng Yang, Yanfang Ji, Hongfei Sun, Wuyi Wang. Quantification and fractionation of mercury in soils from the Chatian mercury mining deposit, Southwestern China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2009, 31: 617-628.
39. Yonghua Li*, Wuyi Wang, Kunli Luo, Hairong Li. Environmental behaviors of selenium in soil of typical selenosis area, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008, 20: 859-864.
40. Wuyi Wang, Bixiong Ye, Linsheng Yang, Yonghua Li. Risk assessment on disinfection by-products of drinking water of different water sources and disinfection processes. Environment International, 2007, 33:219-225.
41. 周梦鸽, 李永华*. 基于DPSIR模型的牧草产品质量安全评价指标体系构建及应用. 草业学报, 2024, 33(2):13-27.
42. 周梦鸽, 杨依, 孙媛, 张凤英, 李永华*. 2016—2020年山东省空气质量时空分布特征及影响因素分析. 环境科学, 2022, 43(6):2937-2946.
43. 臧振峰, 张凤英, 李永华*, 史淑娟. 我国主要粮产区PM2.5、PM10时空分布特征及影响因素研究—以河南省为例. 自然资源学报, 2021, 36(5): 1163-1175.
44. 李永华*, 孙宏飞, 杨林生, 李海蓉. 湖南凤凰县茶田茶汞矿区土壤-水稻系统中汞的传输及其健康风险. 地理研究, 2012, 31(1):63-70.
45. 王利, 李永华*, 姬艳芳, 李海蓉, 张秀武. 羟基磷灰石和氯化钾联用修复铅锌矿区铅镉污染土壤的研究. 环境科学, 2011, 32(7):2114-2118.
46. 李永华*, 杨林生, 姬艳芳, 李海蓉, 王五一. 铅锌矿区土壤-植物系统中植物吸收铅的研究. 环境科学, 2008, 29(1):196-201.
47. 李永华*, 杨林生, 李海蓉, 王五一, 唐登银. 湘黔汞矿区土壤汞的化学形态及污染特征. 环境科学, 2007, 28(3):654-658.
48. 李永华*, 王五一, 杨林生, 李海蓉. 湘西多金属矿区汞铅污染土壤的环境质量. 环境科学, 2005, 26(5):197-191.
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50. 李永华, 王五一, 侯少范. 我国地方性氟中毒病区环境氟安全阈值研究. 环境科学, 2002, 23(4):118-122.