研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院大学岗位教授,中国科学院人才引进计划入选者。同时担任中科山东东营地理研究院院长、中国科学院地理资源所黄河三角洲研究中心主任、中科院禹城综合试验站副站长、中国科学院黄河三角洲现代农业工程实验室副主任、Journal of Resources and Ecology编委、中国农学会农业信息分会常务委员、中国农学会农业气象分会常务委员。
2004/09 — 2008/03, 日本国立筑波大学,理学博士,环境模型和遥感
2001/09 — 2004/07, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,硕士,农业生态
1997/09 — 2001/07, 中国农业大学,学士,农业气象
2014/07 — 至今, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,研究员
2011/04 — 2014/06, 日本国立环境研究所,特别研究员
2009/07 — 2011/03, 美国康涅狄格大学,博士后
2008/04 — 2009/06, 日本国立环境研究所,博士后
2004/09 — 2008/03, 日本国立环境研究所,研究助理
1. Zhu, W., Rezaei, E.E., Sun, Z.*, Wang, J., Siebert, S. (2024). Soil-climate interactions enhance understanding of long-term crop yield stability. European Journal of Agronomy, 161, 127368.
2. Wang, J., Sun, Z.#, Yang, T., et al. (2024). Quantifying the effect of salinity on dielectric-based soil moisture measurements using COSMOS records. Journal of Hydrology, 643, 131925.
3. Li, Y., Sun, Z.*, Deng, X., Accatino, F. (2024). Reducing livestock quantities to avoid manure nitrogen surplus: would meat self-sufficiency be met in eastern regions of China? Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 16, 100156.
4. Li, Y., Shi, Y., Deng, X., Sun, Z.*, Accatino, F. (2024). Increasing food and feed self-sufficiency and avoiding manure N surplus in eastern regions of China through a spatial crop-livestock optimisation model. Agricultural Systems, 217, 103911.
5. Yang, T., Wang, J., Sun, Z.* (2024). Can the Soil Salinity be Retrieved Using GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry Data? IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 17, 10612-10620.
6. Wang, J., Yang, T., et al., Sun, Z.* (2023). A novel retrieval model for soil salinity from CYGNSS: Algorithm and test in the Yellow River Delta. Geoderma, 432, 116417.
7. Peng, J., et al., Sun, Z.*, Xin, X. (2023). Combination of UAV and deep learning to estimate wheat yield at ripening stage: The potential of phenotypic features. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 124, 103494.
8. Zhu, W., et al., Sun, Z.* (2023). UAV Flight Height Impacts on Wheat Biomass Estimation via Machine and Deep Learning. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16, 7471-7485.
9. Li, Y., Sun, Z.*, Accatino, F. (2022). Satisfying meat demand while avoiding excess manure: Studying the trade-off in eastern regions of China with a nitrogen approach. Science of The Total Environment, 816, 151568.
10. Zhu, W., et al., Sun, Z.* (2022). UAV-based indicators of crop growth are robust for distinct water and nutrient management but vary between crop development phases. Field Crops Research, 284, 108582.
11. Sun, Z., et al. (2021). Does actual cropland water consumption change with evaporation potential in the Lower Yellow River? Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 316, 107468.
12. Zhu, W., Sun, Z.*, et al. (2021). Optimization of multi-source UAV RS agro-monitoring schemes designed for field-scale crop phenotyping. Precision Agriculture, 22,1768-1802.
13. Zhu, W., Sun, Z.*, et al. (2020). Estimating leaf chlorophyll content of crops via optimal unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral data at multi-scales. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 178, 105786.
14. Zhu, K., Sun, Z.*, et al. (2020). Remotely sensed canopy resistance model for analyzing the stomatal behavior of environmentally-stressed winter wheat. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 168, 197-207.
15. Sun, Z.*, et al. (2019). A new global dataset of phase synchronization of temperature and precipitation: Its climatology and contribution to global vegetation productivity. Geoscience Data Journal, 6,126-136.
16. Sun, Z.*, Ouyang, Z.,et al. (2018). Recent rebound in observational large-pan evaporation driven by heat wave and droughts by the Lower Yellow River. Journal of Hydrology, 565,237-247.
17. Li, S.,Sun, Z.*, Tan, M.,Guo, L.,Zhang, X. (2018). Changing patterns in farming–pastoral ecotones in China between 1990 and 2010. Ecological Indicators, 89,110-117.
18. Zhang, X., Sun, Z.*, et al. (2018). Simulating greenhouse gas emissions and stocks of carbon and nitrogen in soil from a long-term no-till system in the North China Plain. Soil & Tillage Research, 178, 32-40.
19. Dong, W.,et al., Sun, Z.* (2017). Ridge and furrow systems with film cover increase maize yields and mitigate climate risks of cold and drought stress in continental climates. Field Crops Research, 207, 71-78.
20. Guo, L.,Sun, Z.*, Ouyang, Z.,Han, D.,Li, F. (2017). A comparison of soil quality evaluation methods for Fluvisol along the lower Yellow River. Catena, 152, 135-143.
21. Sun, Z.,Gebremichael, M.,et al. (2011). Mapping daily evapotranspiration and dryness index in the East African highlands using MODIS and SEVIRI data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15,163-170.
22. Sun, Z.,Wang, Q.,Matsushita, B.,Fukushima, T.,Ouyang, Z.,Watanabe, M. (2009). Development of a simple remote sensing evapotranspiration model (Sim-ReSET): algorithm and model test. Journal of Hydrology, 376 (3-4), 476-485.
联系方式: (010) 6488-9523, sun.zhigang@igsnrr.ac.cn