2025年1月9日 星期四


女,博士,研究员,优青,陆地表层格局与模拟院重点实验室副主任,中科院青年创新促进会优秀会员,地理资源所“可桢杰出青年学者”人才计划获得者。2010年毕业于中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所(中国科学院研究生院),获自然地理学博士学位,同年留所工作。先后在密歇根州立大学、东京大学访学深造。发表学术论文80余篇,出版著作五部,以第一/通讯作者在Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Earth's Future,Applied Energy等农林科学和地学领域的TOP期刊发表SCI论文40余篇。主持国家自然科学基金委青年、面上、优秀青年基金项目、中科院先导专项A课题、国家重点研发计划子课题、国家发展改革委、地方委托项目等任务多项。研究成果被美国科学促进会(AAAS)亮点报道。






[1]      Liu Yujie*,Zhang Jie,Pan Tao,Ge Quansheng. Assessing the adaptability of maize phenology to climate change: the role of anthropogenic–management practices. Journal of Environmental Management,2021 (293):112874.

[2]      Chen Jie,Liu Yujie *,Zhou Weimo,Zhang Jie,Pan Tao. Effects of climate change and crop management on changes in rice phenology in China from 1981 to 2010[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2021: 11300.

[3]      Zhou Weimo,Liu Yujie *,Syed Tahir Ata-Ul-Karim,Ge Quansheng. Spatial difference of climate change effects on wheat nutritional quality in China. Environmental Research Letters,2021.

[4]      Zhang Jie,Liu Yujie*,Dai Liang. Agricultural practice contributes more to changes in soybean yield than climate change from 1981 to 2010 in Northeast China. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2021

[5]      Tan Qinghua,Liu Yujie*,Dai Liang. Shortened key growth periods of soybean observed in China under climate change. Scientific Reports. 2021. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-87618-9.

[6]      Liu Yujie*,Chen Jie,Liu Yanhua,Zhang Yuhu,Ge Quansheng,Philippe Ciais,Josep Penuelas. Global socioeconomic risk of precipitation extremes under climate change[J]. Earth's Future,2020 (7):e2019EF001331.

[7]      Liu Yujie*,Dai Liang. Modelling the impacts of climate change and crop management measures on soybean phenology in China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020: 121271.

[8]      Liu Yujie*,Zhang Jie,Qin Ya. How global warming alter future maize yield and water use efficiency in China[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2020,160:120229.

[9]      Liu Yujie*,Chen Jie. Future global socioeconomic risk to droughts based on estimates of hazard,exposure,and vulnerability in a changing climate[J]. Science of The Total Environment,2020:142159.

[10]   Liu Yujie*,Zhang Jie,Ge Quansheng. The optimization of wheat yield through adaptive crop management in a changing climate: evidence from China[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2020.

[11]   Chen Jie,Liu Yujie*,Philippe Ciais,Ma Ting,Liu Yanhua,Dai Yamazakie,Ge Quansheng,Josep Penuelas. Global socioeconomic exposure of heat extremes under climate change[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020:123275.

[12]   Liu Yujie*,Chen Jie. Socioeconomic Risk of Droughts under a 2.0oC Warmer Climate: Assessment of Population and GDP Exposures to Droughts in China[J]. International Journal of Climatology,2020,1-12

[13]   Liu Yujie*,Chen Jie. Spatial and temporal patterns of drought hazard for China under different RCP scenarios in the 21st century[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,2020.

[14]   Pan Tao,Hou Shuai,Liu Yujie*,Tan Qinghua,Liu Yanhua,Gao Xiaofei. Influence of degradation on soil water availability in an alpine swamp meadow on the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Science of The Total Environment,2020: 137677.

[15]   Tan Qinghua,Liu Yujie*. Spatiotemporal variation and climatic response of water level of major lakes in China,Mongolia and Russia[J]. Open geoscience,2020,12(1),1200-1211.

[16]   Liu Yujie*,Zhou Weimo,Ge Quansheng. Spatiotemporal changes of rice phenology in China under climate change from 1981 to 2010[J]. Climatic Change,2019,157(2),261-277.

[17]   Liu Yujie*,Qin Ya,Wang Huanjiong,Lv Shuo,Ge Quansheng. Trends in maize (Zea mays L.) phenology    and sensitivity to climate factors in China from 1981 to 2010[J]. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2019,1-10.

[18]   Liu Yujie*,Chen Qiaomin,Tan Qinghua. Responses of wheat yields and water use efficiency to climate change and nitrogen fertilization in the North China plain[J]. Food Security,2019,11(6):1231-1242.

[19]   Liu Yujie*,Tan Qinghua. Determining the Parameters of the ?ngstr?m‐Prescott Model for Estimating Solar Radiation in Different Regions of China: Calibration and Modeling[J]. Earth and Space Science,2019,6(10):1976-1986.

[20]   Pan Tao,Hou Shuai,Liu Yujie*,Tan Qinghua. Comparison of three models fitting the soil water retention curves in a degraded alpine meadow region[J],Scientific Reports. 2019,9(1):1-12.

[21]   Liu Yujie*,Qin Ya,Ge Quansheng. Spatiotemporal differentiation of changes in maize phenology in China from 1981 to 2010[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2019,29(3):351-362.

[22]   Liu Yujie*,Chen Jie. Analysis of Changes in Reference Evapotranspiration,Pan Evaporation,and Actual Evapotranspiration and Their Influencing Factors in the North China Plain During 1998-2005[J]. Earth and Space Science,2019,6(8):1366-1377.

[23]   Liu Yujie*,Chen Qiaomin,Ge Quansheng,Dai Junhu,Qin Ya,Dai Liang,Zou Xintong,Chen Jie. Modelling the impacts of climate change and crop management on phenological trends of spring and winter wheat in China[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2018,248: 518-526.

[24]   Liu Yujie*,Chen Qiaomin,Ge Quansheng,Dai Junhu,DouYue. Effects of climate change and agronomic practice on changes in wheat phenology[J]. Climatic change,2018,150(3-4):273-287.

[25]   Liu Yujie*,Chen Qiaomin,Ge Quansheng,Dai Junhu. Spatiotemporal differentiation of changes in wheat phenology in China under climate change from 1981 to 2010[J]. Science China Earth Sciences,2018,61(8):1088-1097.

[26]   Chen Jie,Liu Yujie*,Liu Yanhua,Sun Fubao,Ge Quansheng. Population exposure to droughts in China under the 1.5° C global warming target[J]. Earth System Dynamics,2018,9(3):1097-1106.

[27]   Chen Qiaomin,Liu Yujie*,Ge Quansheng. Impacts of historic climate variability and land use change on winter wheat climatic productivity in the North China Plain during 1980-2010[J]. Land use policy,2018,76: 1-9.

[28]   Pan Tao,Hou Shuai,Wu Shaohong,Liu Yujie*,Liu Yanhua,Zou Xintong,Herzberger Anna,Liu Jianguo. Variation of soil hydraulic properties with alpine grassland degradation in the eastern Tibetan Plateau[J]. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2017,21(4):2249-2261.

[29]   Pan Tao,Zou Xintong,Liu Yujie*,Wu Shaohong,He Guangming. Contributions of climatic and non-climatic drivers to grassland variations on the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Ecological engineering,2017,108: 307-317.

[30]   Liu Yujie*,Qin Ya,Ge Quansheng,Dai Junhu,Chen Qiaomin. Reponses and sensitivities of maize phenology to climate change from 1981 to 2009 in Henan Province,China[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2017,27(9):1072-1084.

[31]   Liu Yujie,Tao Fulu. Probabilistic Change of Wheat Productivity and Water Use in China for Global Mean Temperature Changes of 1,2,and 3 ℃[J]. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology,2013,52(1),114-129.

[32]   Tao Pan,Shaohong Wu,Erfu Dai,Yujie Liu*. Estimating the daily global solar radiation spatial distribution from diurnal temperature ranges over the Tibetan Plateau in China[J]. Applied Energy. 2013,107: 384-393.

[33]   Liu Yujie,Yi Luo,Junhua Ma. Case study of developing an integrated water and nitrogen scheme for agricultural systems on the North China Plain[J]. International Agrophysics. 2013. 27(4):425-437.

[34]   Liu Yujie,Tao Fulu. Impacts and uncertainty analysis of elevated temperature and CO2 concentration on wheat biomass[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2012,22(6):1002-1012.

[35]   Liu Yujie,Luo Yi. A Consolidated Evaluation of the FAO-56 Dual Crop Coefficient Approach Using the Lysimeter Data in the Northern China Plain[J]. Agricultural Water Management,2010,97(1):31-40.

[36]   Liu Yujie,Yuan Guofu. Impacts of climate change on winter wheat growing process and production under B2 climate scenario in Panzhuang irrigation district[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2010 (6):861-875.

[37]   刘玉洁,葛全胜,戴君虎. 全球气候变化下作物物候研究进展[J]. 地理学报,2020,75(1):14-24.

[38]   刘玉洁,代粮,张婕,封志明,葛全胜. 资源承载力监测研究-以西藏“一江两河”地区为例[J]. 自然资源学报,2020,35(7).

[39]   张婕,刘玉洁*,封志明,杨艳昭,葛全胜.自然资源资产负债表编制中生态损益核算[J].自然资源学报,2020,35(4):755-766.

[40]   陈洁,刘玉洁*,吴绍洪,谭清华,葛全胜,刘燕华. 1961-2010年中国降水时空变化特征及对地表干湿状况影响[J]. 自然资源学报,2019,34(11):2440-2453.

[41]   刘玉洁,陈巧敏,葛全胜,戴君虎. 气候变化背景下1981-2010 中国小麦物候变化时空分异[J]. 中国科学:地球科学,2018,48(7):888-898.

[42]   秦雅,刘玉洁*,葛全胜. 气候变化背景下 1981-2010 年中国玉米物候变化时空分异[J]. 地理学报,2018,73(5):906-916.

[43]   代粮,刘玉洁*. 中国东北三省大豆虚拟水时空分异及其影响因素研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报,2018,20(9):1274-1285.

[44]   高洁,刘玉洁*,封志明,潘韬,杨艳昭,张皓. 西藏自治区水土资源承载力监测预警研究[J]. 资源科学,2018,40(6):1209-1221.

[45]   刘玉洁*,戴君虎,陈鹏飞,邵全琴. 未来 RCP4. 5 情景下非洲地区主要气候要素时空演变特征[J]. 地球信息科学学报,2016,18(11):1522-1528.

[46]   刘玉洁等.气候变化对小麦生物量影响的概率预测和不确定性分析[J]. 地理学报,2012,67(03):337-345.

[47]   刘玉洁等. 中国地表太阳辐射资源空间化模拟[J]. 自然资源学报,2012,27(08):1392-1402. 


[1] 刘玉洁等著,气候变化对中国主要作物生产影响概率预测图集,气象出版社,2021                              

[2] 刘玉洁等著,气候变化背景下中国饮食需求与粮食安全图集,气象出版社,2020

[3] 刘玉洁等著,中国干旱人口与经济暴露度地图集,气象出版社,2019 









