



主要研究成果:开发了大气—植被相互作用模型AVIM,将其发展为AVIM2,并以地理资源所为第一标注单位,参加了GEWEX/WCRP组织的陆面参数化方案(包括地表碳通量)国际模式比较计划(PILPSC)。比较结果表明AVIM2与其它同类国际先进模型处于同一水平上(见: http://www.pilpsc1.cnrs-gif.fr/


         Mei Huang, Ji J , Li K et al. The ecosystem carbon accumulation after conversion of grasslands to pine plantations in subtropical red soil of South China. 2007, Tellus 59B, 439-448.

         Ji Jinjun, Huang M. and Li K, 2008. Prediction of carbon exchanges between China terrestrial ecosystem and atmosphere in 21st century. Science in China Ser D, (6), 885-898.

         Mei Huang, Gongbing Peng, et al., 2006. Application of artificial neural networks to the prediction of dust storms in Northwest China. Global and Planetary Change, 52 216-224.

         Mei Huang, Gongbing Peng et al., 2005. Seasonal and Regional Temperature Changes in China over the 50 Year Period 1951 – 2000. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,89, 105–115 . DOI 10.1007/s00703-005-0124-0.


         季劲钧, 黄玫, 刘青,2005。气候变化对我国中纬度半干旱草原生产力影响机理的模拟研究,气象学报,vol63,No.3。

         Sha wanying, Shao xuemei, Huang mei, Climate warming and its impact on natural regional boundaries in China in 1980s, Science in China, 2002, 45(12)


email: huangm@igsnrr.ac.cn