





代表性论著列表 (#共同第一作者, *通讯作者) 

[1]Hou G, Zhou T, Sun J, Zong N*, Shi P*, Yu J, Song M, Zhu J, Zhang Y. Functional identity of leaf dry matter content regulates community stability in the northern Tibetan grasslands. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 156150. 

[2]Zong N*, Shi P, Zheng L, Zhou T, Cong N, Hou G, Song M, Tian J, Zhang X, Zhu J. Restoration effects of fertilization and grazing exclusion on different degraded alpine grasslands: evidence from a 10-year experiment. Ecological Engineering, 2021: 106361. 

[3]Tian J#, Zong N#, Hartley I P, He N, Zhang J, Powlson D, Zhou J, Kuzyakov Y, Zhang F, Yu G*, Dungait J A J. Microbial metabolic response to winter warming stabilizes soil carbon. Global Change Biology, 2021, 27: 2011-2028. 

[4]Zong N, Fu G*. Variations in species and function diversity of soil fungal community along a desertification gradient in an alpine steppe. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 131: 108197. 

[5]Zhou T, Zong N#, Sun J, Hou G, Shi P*. Plant nitrogen concentration is more sensitive in response to degradation than phosphorus concentration in alpine meadow. Ecological Engineering, 2021, 169: 106323. 

[6]Zong N*, Shi P. Soil properties rather than plant production strongly impact soil bacterial community diversity along a desertification gradient on the Tibetan Plateau. Grassland Science, 2020, 66: 197-206. 

[7]Zong N*, Shi P. Clipping defoliation eliminates the stimulated effects of nitrogen enrichment on the aboveground productivity of an alpine meadow. Plant, Soil and Environment, 2020, 66: 47-56. 

[8]Zong N*, Song M, Zhao G, Shi P. Nitrogen economy of alpine plants on the north Tibetan Plateau: nitrogen conservation by resorption rather than open sources through biological symbiotic fixation. Ecology and Evolution, 2020, 10: 2051-2061. 

[9]Zong N*, Shi P. Nitrogen addition stimulated compensatory growth responses to clipping defoliation in a Northern Tibetan alpine meadow. Grassland Science, 2019, 65: 60-68. 

[10] Song M#, Zong N#, Jiang J, Shi P*, Zhang X, Gao J, Zhou H, Li Y, Loreau M. Nutrient-induced shifts of dominant species reduce ecosystem stability via increases in species synchrony and population variability. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 692: 441-449. 

[11] Zong N*, Shi P. Enhanced community production rather than structure improvement under nitrogen and phosphorus addition in severely degraded alpine meadows. Sustainability, 2019, 11: 1-14. 

[12] Zong N*, Zhao G, Shi P. Different sensitivity and threshold in response to nitrogen addition in four alpine grasslands along a precipitation transect on the Northern Tibetan Plateau. Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 9: 9782-9793. 

[13] Zong N*, Shi P, Chai X. Effects of warming and nitrogen addition on nutrient resorption efficiency in an alpine meadow on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2018, 64: 482-490. 

[14] Zong N, Geng S, Duan C, Shi P*, Chai X, Zhang X. The effects of warming and nitrogen addition on ecosystem respiration in a Tibetan alpine meadow: The significance of winter warming. Ecology and Evolution, 2018, 8: 10113-10125. 

[15] Zong N, Chai X, Shi P*, Yang X. Effects of warming and nitrogen addition on plant photosynthate partitioning in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2018, 37: 803-812. 

[16] Zong N, Shi P*, Chai X, Jiang J, Zhang X, Song M. Responses of ecosystem respiration to nitrogen enrichment and clipping mediated by soil acidification in an alpine meadow. Pedobiologia, 2017, 60: 1-10. 

[17] Zong N, Shi P*, Song M, Zhang X, Jiang J, Chai X. Nitrogen critical loads for an alpine meadow ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Management, 2016, 7: 531-542. 

[18] Zong N, Song M, Shi P*, Jiang J, Zhang X, Shen Z. Timing patterns of nitrogen application alter plant production and CO2 efflux in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau, China. Pedobiologia, 2014, 57: 263-269. 

[19] 宗宁, 石培礼*, 赵广帅, 郑莉莉, 牛犇, 周天财, 侯阁. 降水量变化对藏北高寒草地养分限制影响的研究. 植物生态学报, 2021, 45: 444-455. 

[20] 宗宁, 石培礼, 孙建*. 高寒草地沙化过程植被与土壤特征变化的生态阈值估算. 干旱区研究, 2020, 37: 1580-1589. 

[21] 宗宁*, 石培礼. 冬季升温对高山生态系统碳氮循环过程的影响. 生态学报, 2020, 40: 3131-3143. 

[22] 宗宁*, 石培礼. 模拟增温对西藏高原高寒草甸土壤供氮潜力的影响. 生态学报, 2019, 39: 4356-4365.  

[23] 宗宁, 段呈, 耿守保, 柴曦, 石培礼*, 何永涛. 增温施氮对高寒草甸生产力及生物量分配的影响. 应用生态学报, 2018, 29: 59-67. 

[24] 宗宁, 柴曦, 石培礼*, 蒋婧, 牛犇, 张宪洲, 何永涛. 藏北高寒草甸群落结构与物种组成对增温与施氮的响应. 应用生态学报, 2016, 27: 3739-3748. 

[25] 宗宁, 石培礼*, 牛犇, 蒋婧, 宋明华, 张宪洲, 何永涛. 氮磷配施对藏北退化高寒草甸群落结构和生产力的影响. 应用生态学报, 2014, 25: 3458-3468. 



联系方式E-mail: zongning@igsnrr.ac.cn 
