1. 国家自然科学面上基金:水溶性羧乙基壳聚糖强化八宝景天吸收转运Cd的机理(2018-2021年)
2. 国家自然科学青年基金:赤泥对镉在土壤-水稻系统中钝化的过程与机理研究(2013-2015年)
3. 环保部土专项:济源市土壤重金属污染农田修复试点项目(2018-2020年) (子课题)
4. 环保部土专项:栾城区重点区域污染监测与技术孵化(先行区)(2018-2020年) (子课题)
7.国家重点研发计划: 矿区污染土壤风险阻控与安全利用技术(2019-2021年) (子课题)
1. Guo JM, Yang J, Yang JX*, et al. 2020. Water-soluble chitosan enhances phytoremediation efficiency of cadmium by Hylotelephium spectabile in contaminated soils. Carbohydrate Polymers, 246: 116559. (SCI )
2. Yang JX, et al., 2017. Role of co-planting and chitosan in phytoextraction of As and heavy metals by Pteris vittata and castor bean – A field case. Ecological Engineering, 109: 35-40. (SCI )
3. Meng XF, Guo JM, Yang JX*, et al. 2021. Effects of soil amendments on soil Pb bioavailability and Pb absorption by a low?Pb accumulator Kumquat grown in two types of Pb?contaminated toils. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-021-03301-9. (SCI )
4. Yang JX, Liu ZY, et al. 2016. Interaction between sulfur and lead in toxicity, iron plaque formation and lead accumulation in rice plant. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 120: 184-192. (SCI)
5. Yang JX, et al, 2016. Red mud (RM)-induced enhancement of iron plaque formation reduces arsenic and metal accumulation in two wetland plant species. International Journal of Phytoremediation,18:269-277 (SCI )
6. Yang JX, Tam NFY, Ye ZH, 2014. Root porosity, radial oxygen loss and iron plaque on roots of wetland plants in relation to zinc tolerance and accumulation. Plant and Soil, 374(1-2): 815-828. (SCI)
7. Yang JX, Ye ZH. 2015. Antioxidant enzymes and proteins of wetland plants: Their relation to Pb tolerance and accumulation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(3):1931-1939. (SCI)
8. Yang JX, et al., 2010. Heavy metal (Pb, Zn) uptake and chemical changes in rhizosphere soils of four wetland plants with different ROL. Journal of Environmental Sciences,22(5): 1-7. (SCI )
9.Yang JX, et al., 2010. Genotypic variations in the accumulation of Cd exhibited by different vegetables. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 22(8): 1-7. (SCI)
10.Yang JX, et al. 2017. Phytoaccumulation of heavy metal (Pb, Zn, Cd) by 10 wetland plant species under different hydrological regimes. Ecological Engineering, 107:56-64. (SCI)
11.Yang J, Yang JX *, et al, 2018. Cadmium accumulation and subcellular distribution in populationsof Hylotelephium spectabile (Boreau) H. Ohba. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi:10.1007_s11356-018-3065. (SCI )
12. Guo JM, Lei M*, Yang JX*, et al. 2016. Effect of fertilizers on the Cd uptake of two sedum species (Sedum spectabile Boreau and Sedum aizoon L.) as potential Cd accumulators. Ecological Engineering, 106:409-414. (SCI)
13. Yang JX*, et al., 2011. Foliar spraying and seed soaking of zinc fertilizers decreased cadmium accumulation in cucumber grown in Cd-contaminated soils with and without immobilizing amendment. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 20, 400-410. (SCI)
14. Yang JX, et al. 2012. Root-induced changes (pH, Eh, Fe2+ and speciation of Pb and Zn) in rhizosphere soils of four wetland plants with different ROL. Pedosphere, 22(4), 518-527.(SCI)
15. Lin YC, Wang HP,Gohar F,Ullah MH, Zhang X, Xie DF, Fang H, Huang, J, Yang JX*. 2017. Preparation and copper ions adsorption properties of thiosemicarbazide chitosan from squid pens,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules , 95:476-483. (SCI)
16. Ma C, Xie P, Zhang K, Yang JX*.2021.Contribution of the flag leaf to lead absorption in wheat grain at the grainfilling stage. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 225. (SCI)
17. 孟晓飞,郑国砥,陈同斌,杨俊兴等*.2021. 两种油菜配施水溶性壳聚糖修复典型铅污染农田土壤, 环境科学,doi:10.13227/j.hjkx.202106076.
18. 孟晓飞, 郭俊娒,杨俊兴等*.2021.河南省典型工业区周边农田土壤重金属分布特征及风险评价, 环境科学,42(2):900-908.
19. 郭俊娒,杨俊兴等*. 2021.盐胁迫下八宝景天不同生态型对土壤中Cd积累特征,环境科学,41(3):1177-1184.
20. 郭俊娒,杨俊兴等*. 2020.田间条件下养分调控对八宝景天Cd修复效率研究,环境科学,41(9):4226-4233.
21. 孟晓飞,杨俊兴*等. 2020.两种油菜不同铅富集能力差异机理,中国环境科学,40(10):4479-4487.
22.曹柳,杨俊兴*等.2018.施肥对向日葵吸收积累Cd 的影响,环境科学,39(11):5189-5197.
23.郭俊娒,陈同斌,杨俊兴*等.2019. Cd、Zn交互作用对三七景天根系形态和重金属吸收积累的影响,环境科学,41(9):4226-4233.
24.卞建林,郭俊娒,王学东,杨俊兴*等. 2020.两种不同镉富集能力油菜品种耐性机制,环境科学,41(2):475-483.
25. 杨俊兴等, 2013. 赤泥在重金属污染治理中的研究进展,生态学杂志, 32(7), 1937-1944.
26. 杨俊兴等. 2014.湿地植物通气组织和渗氧对其重金属吸收和耐性研究进展,土壤,46(3), 394-401.
28. 杨俊兴等. 2016.铅胁迫对不同湿地植物耐性和吸收的影响,生态学杂志,35(10): 2738-2744.
29.杨俊兴等.2017. 锌胁迫下湿地植物抗氧化系统反应及锌富集能力, 生态学杂志,36 (8) :2274-2281.
1. 一种利用富集型向日葵品种修复镉铅污染农田的方法(ZL201610603385.X)(第一申请人)
2.一种利用耐冬寒油菜品种冬季修复镉铅污染农田的方法(ZL20161034143.6) (第一申请人)
3.一种治理镉铅砷复合污染土壤的植物修复方法(ZL201410163223.X) (第二申请人)
1. 《农用地污染土壤修复项目管理指南(试行)》(环办[2014]93号)(排名第四)
2. 《农用地污染土壤植物萃取技术指南(试行)》(环办[2014]114号)(排名第四)
联系方式 :010-64888050 ;yangajx@igsnrr.ac.cn