2025年3月14日 星期五


男,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所副研究员,硕士生导师。主要从事地表水文过程研究,发表SCI论文70余篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI论文20余篇。第一作者2ESI1%高被引论文,其中1篇为ESI0.1%热点论文。入选中国科学院青年创新促进会、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所可桢-秉维青年人才计划、支持率先行动中国博士后科学基金会与中国科学院联合资助优秀博士后计划。获中国科学院百篇优博、院长优秀奖、朱李月华奖、AGU Editor's Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Water Resources Research等奖励,入选“全球前2%科学家”2022年度榜单。研究成果被《第四次气候变化国家评估报告》、《中国气候与生态环境演变:2021》等引用。现任Journal of Hydrology副主编。


· 2022/12-          中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所   副研究员

· 2020/07-2022/12     中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所   助理研究员

· 2017/07-2020/07     中国科学院青藏高原研究所         博士后


· 2013/09-2017/06     中国科学院青藏高原研究所     理学博士

· 2015/09-2016/11     亚利桑那大学水文气象系     联合培养博士生                         

· 2010/09-2012/12     兰州大学      地球系统科学   理学硕士

· 2006/09-2010/06     兰州大学      地理学基地班   理学学士


· 蒸散发过程与机理、陆面过程观测与模拟、区域与全球水循环


· 国家自然科学基金面上项目水分胁迫和土壤冻融对羌塘高原腹地高寒草原地气水热交换的影响 (42271029)”, 执行期: 2023/01-2026/12, 主持

· 国家自然科学基金青年项目青藏高原典型高寒草原和草甸蒸散发对植被变化的响应研究 (41801047)”, 执行期: 2019/01-2021/12, 主持

· 科技部重点研发项目跨流域跨区域特大干旱场景推演与智慧防御之第5课题特大干旱预报预警和场景推演技术标准研制”, 2022YFC3002805, 执行期: 2022/11-2025/10, 专题负责人


· Ma, N., Zhang, Y., Szilagyi, J. 2024. Water-balance-based evapotranspiration for 56 large river basins: A benchmarking dataset for global terrestrial evapotranspiration modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 603, 130607, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.130607

· Ma, N. 2023. Modeling land-atmosphere energy and water exchanges in the typical alpine grassland in Tibetan Plateau using Noah-MP. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 50, 101596, doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101596

· Ma, N., Zhang, Y. 2022. Increasing Tibetan Plateau terrestrial evapotranspiration primarily driven by precipitation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 317, 108887, doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.108887

· Ma, N., Zhang, Y. 2022. Contrasting trends in water use efficiency of the alpine grassland in Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD036919, doi: 10.1029/2022JD036919

· Yan, D., Ma, N.*, Zhang, Y.* 2022. Development of a fine-resolution snow depth product based on the snow cover probability for the Tibetan Plateau: Validation and spatial-temporal analyses. Journal of Hydrology, 604, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127027

· Wang, K., Ma, N.*, Zhang, Y.*, Qiang, Y., Guo, Y. 2022. Evapotranspiration and energy partitioning of a typical alpine wetland in the central Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Research, 605, 127308, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105931

· Szilagyi, J., Ma, N., Crago, R., Qualls, R. 2022. Power‐function expansion of the polynomial complementary relationship of evaporation. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR033095, doi: 10.1029/2022WR033095

· Shao, X., Zhang, Y.*, Liu, C., Chiew, F H S, Tian, J., Ma, N.*, Zhang, X. 2022. Can indirect evaluation methods and their fusion products reduce uncertainty in actual evapotranspiration estimates? Water Resources Research, 58(6), e2021WR031069, doi: 10.1029/2021WR031069

· Ma, N., Szilagyi, J., Zhang, Y. 2021. Calibration-free complementary relationship estimates terrestrial evapotranspiration globally. Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR029691, doi: 10.1029/2021WR029691

· Ma, N., Yu, K., Zhang, Y., Zhai, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, H. 2020. Ground observed climatology and trend in snow cover phenology across China with consideration of snow-free breaks. Climate Dynamics, 55, 2867-2887.

· Ma, N., Szilagyi, J., Jozsa, J., 2020. Benchmarking large-scale evapotranspiration estimates: A perspective from a calibration-free complementary relationship approach andFLUXCOM. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125221, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125221

· Ma, N., Szilagyi, J. 2019. The CR of evaporation: A calibration-free diagnostic and benchmarking tool for large-scale terrestrial evapotranspiration modeling. Water Resources Research, 55(8), 7246-7274.

· Ma, N., Szilagyi, J., Zhang, Y., Liu, W. 2019. Complementary-relationship-based modeling of terrestrial evapotranspiration across China during 1982-2012: Validations and spatiotemporal analyses. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(8), 4326-4351.

· Zhang, Y*., Ma, N.* 2018. Spatiotemporal variability of snow cover and snow water equivalent in the last three decades over Eurasia. Journal of Hydrology, 559, 238-251.

· Ma, N., Niu, G-Y., Xia, Y., Cai, X., Zhang, Y., Ma, Y., Fang, Y. 2017. A systematic evaluation of Noah-MP in simulating land-atmosphere energy, water and carbon exchanges over the continental United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,122, 12245-12268.

· Ma, N., Zhang, Y. 2017. Comment on “Rescaling the complementary relationship for land surface evaporation” by R. Crago et al. Water Resources Research, 53(7), 6340-6342.

· Ma, N., Szilagyi, J., Niu, G-Y., Zhang, Y.*, Zhang, T., Wang, B., Wu, Y. 2016. Evaporation variability of Nam Co Lake in the Tibetan Plateau and its role in recent rapid lake expansion. Journal of Hydrology, 537, 27-35.

· Ma, N., Zhang, Y., Guo, Y., Gao, H., Zhang, H., Wang, Y. 2015. Environmental and biophysical controls on the evapotranspiration over the highest alpine steppe. Journal of Hydrology, 529, 980-992.

· Ma, N., Zhang, Y., Xu, C., Szilagyi, J. 2015. Modeling actual evapotranspiration with routine meteorological variables in the data-scarce region of the Tibetan Plateau: Comparisons and implications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 120(8), 1638-1657

· Ma, N., Zhang, Y., Szilagyi, J., Guo, Y., Zhai, J., Gao, H. 2015. Evaluating the complementary relationship of evapotranspiration in the alpine steppe of the Tibetan Plateau. Water Resources Research, 51(2), 1069-1083.

· Ma, N., Wang, N., Zhao, L., Zhang, Z., Dong, C., Shen, S. 2014. Observation of mega-dune evaporation after various rain events in the hinterland of Badain Jaran Desert, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(2), 162-170.

· 马宁. 2021. 40年来青藏高原典型高寒草原和湿地蒸散发变化的对比分析. 地球科学进展, 36(8), 836-848.

· 马宁, 王乃昂. 2016. 巴丹吉林沙漠腹地湖泊水面蒸发模拟的特殊性. 干旱区研究, 33(6), 1141-1149.

· 马宁, 王乃昂, 黄银洲, 李宏宇, 路俊伟. 2015. 巴丹吉林沙漠腹地夏季不同天气条件下陆-湖面辐射收支与能量分配特征对比. 自然资源学报, 30(5), 796–809.

· 马宁, 王乃昂, 赵力强, 张振瑜, 董春雨, 沈士平. 2014. 巴丹吉林沙漠腹地降水事件后的沙山蒸发观测. 科学通报, 59(7), 615-622.

· 王乃昂, 马宁*, 陈红宝, 陈秀莲, 董春雨, 张振瑜. 2013. 巴丹吉林沙漠腹地降水特征初步分析. 水科学进展, 24(2), 153-160.

· 马宁, 王乃昂, 王鹏龙, 孙彦猛, 董春雨. 2012. 黑河流域参考蒸散量的时空变化特征及影响因素的定量分析. 自然资源学报, 27(6), 975-989.

· 马宁, 王乃昂, 朱金峰, 陈秀莲, 陈红宝, 董春雨. 2011. 巴丹吉林沙漠周边地区近50a来气候变化. 中国沙漠, 31(6), 1541-1547.

· 马宁, 王乃昂, 李卓仑, 陈秀莲, 朱金峰, 董春雨. 2011. 1960-2009年巴丹吉林沙漠南北缘气候变化分析. 干旱区研究, 28(2), 242-250.


· Journal of Hydrology 副主编

· Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 青年编委





Email: ningma@igsnrr.ac.cn

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